If your credit card balances are creeping up on you, it may be time for a cash-out refinance Total US household debt continues to climb even as borrowing costs rise with higher interest rates, particularly on credit cards. The total debt level for credit cards hit a record amount of $1 trillion…with a T!!! And […]
It’s May Madness – Bring On EVERYTHING
May seems to always be the most hectic month of the year. Graduations, picnics, school parties, sports, boating…commitments and fun keep us busy all month long, and we’re sure the same is true for you. The real estate market has a way of hitting its full stride in May as well. For the last few […]
Is This Loan Program a Dream “For All”?
Let’s Get Real about California’s new loan program coined Dream For All. The Blue Waters Group has this shared appreciation 2nd mortgage available to eligible applicants when it comes back on April 3rd, but is it really a Dream “For All?” It truly is a great loan program for those who qualify, as it will allow […]
California Dream For All Loan Example
Our team has become well-versed with the new California Dream For All Loan program and is ready to offer it to first-generation home buyer clients when the program is released on April 3rd. Let’s unpack a common example and see how this program functions. Assume someone buys a home for $500,000. They would obtain […]
Spring Market Comes Before Spring Season
For those of us who miss the sunshine during these cold wintery months, springtime is a welcomed season. With daylight savings and the spring equinox both later this month, it feels like Spring is right around the corner. But for the real estate market, spring is already here! The months of April-June (known as the […]
Got Accountability?
What do house cleaners and business coaches have in common? For me, they both provide accountability, but in very different ways. Let me explain, in hopes of inspiring you to recommit to any 2024 goals and resolutions! Thursdays used to be our family’s ritual clean-up night. We would tidy up the house in preparation for our […]
“Spreads” Revisited
The difference between mortgage rates & U.S. treasury rates (aka-The Spread) is the story to watch in 2024 For the past 6 months we’ve been pointing out how many interest rate markets are out of whack. While technical in nature, these topics are SUPER IMPORTANT to watch if you are even remotely interested in the […]
Something’s Wrong With Spreads
More evidence lower mortgage rates should be on their way At the beginning of summer, We wrote a fun Top Gun themed post about how inverted “yield curves” are an indicator that lower mortgage rates are on their way (click on the link above for a refresher). As we now approach the end of summer, We’re […]
Mid-Year Market Check-In
Just when we thought the market couldn’t get any wonkier… The real estate market is never boring. We’ll give it that. After a Jekyll & Hyde year in 2022 when things began red hot and ended ice cold, We were expecting a rather “ho-hum” year for the 2023 Sacramento real estate market. So far, it’s […]
Our Team Is Growing
Meet Our Newest Team Members When we moved our office earlier this year, we wanted to have room to grow our team. We’ve been incredibly fortunate to find three professionals that are a perfect fit for our work family. Do you know anyone in the real estate field who would value from partnering with an experienced, genuine […]